Archiving from the University of Jyväskylä's website, 30.12.2021
(Senior Lecturer in World Politics, University of Helsinki, from 01.01.2022)
Academic Profile
Dr Bonn Juego is university teacher and academic researcher specializing in the intersection of political economy, development studies, and international relations at the University of Jyväskylä, Finland. He is part of the core teaching staff of the Master's Programme in Development, Education and International Cooperation. He has lectured on global political economy and world-economic history at the University of Helsinki for its Bachelor's Programme in Politics, Media and Communication and its Master's Programme in Global Politics and Communication, respectively.
Through competitive grants, he has held Guest Researcher and Visiting Fellow appointments at the:
- Department of Political Science, Aalborg University;
- Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, University of Copenhagen;
- Southeast Asia Research Centre, City University of Hong Kong.
He has also been invited and appointed to part-time teaching and external lectureship at:
- Tallinn University of Technology (technology governance),
- Aalborg University (culture and global studies),
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (international environment and development studies), and
- University of Helsinki (global politics and communication).
Among his scholarly activities, he is a recipient of the 2018 JYU Science Council grant for career development, and currently serves as Board Member of the Finnish Society for Development Research, Expert for the World Economic Survey of the Leibniz Institute for Economic Research, Invited Member of the Great Transition Initiative, Contributor to Developing Economics, and Member of the International Editorial Board of the Globalizations journal.
With an interdisciplinary background in the political and socio-economic sciences, Bonn's geographical area focus is on the Global South, particularly East and Southeast Asia, as well as in contemporary North-South relations. His ongoing research work revolves around the theme of the 'Crises of Development', which is manifested in the politico-economic concepts and socio-political phenomena that have emerged from his recent writings and publications, notably:
- authoritarian neoliberalism;
- authoritarian populism;
- human rights against populism;
- the resurgence of nationalisms;
- the reproduction of neoliberalism;
- the contradictions between neoliberalization, democratization and autocratization;
- sports politics and sports capitalism;
- capital accumulation and the dispossession of the commons;
- natural resource governance and reclaiming the commons in human-nature relations;
- social innovation system;
- the privatization of financing for development;
- the political reorganization of the global justice movement;
- popular education and just sustainability.
Bonn's current research endeavor investigates the political economy of recent foreign policy shift from the old state-to-state aid relations to the new economic diplomacy focused on private sector development. Studying this emergent phenomenon on the private turn in Nordic countries' development cooperation with different types of regime in Asia is important in terms of: [i] present knowledge of North-South development relations; [ii] feasible development strategies for both developed and developing countries; and [iii] the implications for developmental prospects and democratization processes of what used to be known as aid recipient 'Third World' countries.
Over the years, Bonn has been involved in the publication, research and advocacy on issues and topics such as history of economic thought, development strategies, innovation policy, public administration, local governance, human rights and democratization, social movements and civil society, labour market regulation and social welfare, globalization and trade unions, transformative social protection, social entrepreneurship, social commons, peace and security, ecology and climate change, migration and refugees, crimes and torture, global governance and local elite perceptions, Asia-Europe relations, and Southeast Asian political economy.
Bonn has an active interest in development economics, geopolitics, political philosophy, and science, technology and innovation policy. He is an alumnus of the
- Cambridge Advanced Programme on Rethinking Development Economics,
- Critical Development Studies Network,
- South-South Institute,
- Globelics Academy, and
- German Council on Foreign Relations.
A reviewer for a number of reputable academic journals and other publishers such as the Journal of Contemporary Asia, Geoforum, Globalizations, International Migration, The Global South, Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, Acta Oeconomica, Philippine Political Science Journal, Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, Asian Studies: Journal of Critical Perspectives on Asia, Frontiers in Communication, CODESRIA Publications, and Springer Nature / Palgrave Books, he is the former Editor-in-Chief of The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies, and presently an Editorial Committee Member of Asia in Focus.
The Relevance and Benefits of my Research
My research aims to capture the realpolitik of Nordic government-business strategizing adapted to particular political-economic regime contexts of Asia's challenging markets. Its empirical findings will provide scholarly appreciation of the imperatives, as well as probable contradictions, of the concepts of PSD (private sector development) and PCSD (policy coherence for sustainable development). As such, it will also have critical relevance to all stakeholders concerned with ethics in development cooperation and the principle of policy coherence for sustainability.
Submitted grant application under review (prospective collaborators welcome):
Research Involvement
In terms of teaching, Bonn has taught in different capacities as lecturer, master's thesis supervisor, group project supervisor, thesis opponent, examination censor, and teaching assistant at both the master's and bachelor's levels, as well as junior PhD-level mentoring and doctoral dissertation assessment, in the various subfields, issue areas, and geographical focus of the social sciences and humanities at:
- Tallinn University of Technology (Estonia),
- Aalborg University (Denmark),
- Norwegian University of Life Sciences (Norway),
- University of Jyväskylä (Finland), and
- University of Helsinki (Finland).
He is a recipient of an Erasmus+ international staff mobility grant, and has completed several courses such as university pedagogy, innovation studies, modern China's foreign policy, critical discourse analysis, and advanced research methods.
Teaching Responsibilities, 2014-2021
- DEVS3016: Managing Development Projects
- DEVS3015: Current Trends in Development Policy
- DEVS3014: Contemporary Debates About Development
- DEVS700: International Internship
- DEVS3011: Orientation to Graduate Studies
- DEVM5001: Contemporary Topics in Development Studies
- GPC-E311: Historical Development of Economic Theories in Changing World-Economic Contexts (University of Helsinki)
- PVK-M204: Global Political Economy (University of Helsinki)
- YFIP1001: The State of the World - Introduction to Analyzing Social Phenomena
- DEVS308: Development Policy and Management
- DEVS222: Globalization - Perspectives from Development, Culture, and Civil Society
- DEVS208: Classics of Development
- Supervision of master's theses
- Member of a PhD candidate's supervisory board
- External Member, Assessment Board of a Doctoral Dissertation and Defense
- Member, Evaluation Committee for Docentship in JYU Development Studies
- Chair, Assessment Board, Doctoral Dissertation in Development Studies
Social Outreach and Other Professional Activities
Bonn's outreach activities include giving public lectures and presentations in government, academic, and civil society settings; providing expert opinions and development consulting; publishing Op-Eds and commentaries; and having been interviewed, cited and contacted by the international media such as:
- The Interpreter in Australia;
- Asia Times in Hong Kong/China;
- Information, Weekendavisen, and Ekstra Bladet in Denmark;
- Kansan Uutiset, Lännen Media, Ny Tid, Demokraatti / Arbetarbladet in Finland;
- RFI - Radio France Internationale in France;
- Die Zeit in Germany;
- Rappler in the Philippines;
- Amnesty Press in Sweden;
- openDemocracy and The World Financial Review in the UK; and
- Báo Thế giới & Việt Nam and Báo Mới in Vietnam.
In Denmark, he has also granted a few radio interviews for Orientering (DR P1) and a TV studio interview for DR2 Udland.
Prior to joining the academia, Bonn had stints working at the government, civil society organizations, a grant-providing foundation, local community governance, and a business school.
Invited Lectures and Public Presentations (Recent)
- 'Competitiveness, Fairness, and Accountability in North-South Development Relations', panelist in the UniPID Webinar 2021: How to foster responsible and fair global academic partnerships: concepts, good practices, and tools for building collaboration', organised by the Finnish University Partnership for International Development, 16 December 2021.
- 'The Nobel Peace Prize 2021 versus Duterte's Authoritarian Populism', presentation to the webinar 'Authoritarian Populism and Freedom of Speech in the Philippines', co-organized by Centre for Development and the Environment (University of Oslo), Nordic Institute of Asian Studies (University of Copenhagen), and the Asianettverket - Norwegian Network for Asian Studies, 14 October 2021.
- 'Reimagining a Development Research Community: For Conviviality, Against Competitiveness', Keynote Roundtable, Development Day 2021 Online Symposium, Finnish Society for Development Research, 12 February 2021.
- 'Redrawing Asia's Borders: Between Populist Nationalisms and Competitive Capitalisms', KAAD-Seminar 20/12, The Catholic Academic Exchange Service, Helmstedt, Germany, 6 October 2020.
- 'The Rise of Duterte and the Return of Mahathir: Current Features of Authoritarianism in Southeast Asia', SEARC Seminar, City University of Hong Kong, Kowloon, Hong Kong SAR, 5 November 2018.
- 'Malaysia under Mahathir 2.0: Its Democratisation and Relations with China', opening roundtable on 'Prospects for Democracy and China's Influence in Southeast Asia', Hong Kong Political Science Association Annual Conference, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, 3 November 2018.
- 'Social Justice and System Change', Plenary of the Social Justice Cluster, 12th Asia-Europe People's Forum, Ghent, Belgium, 30 September 2018.
- 'The new political "Normal": Authoritarian Regimes, Populism and Racism, Migration and Forced Displacement, Shrinking Spaces for Political Activism and Active Citizenship', opening plenary speaker, 12th Asia-Europe People's Forum, Het Pand, Ghent University, Belgium, 29 September 2018.
- 'Constitutionalizing Populism? Reflections on Duterte's Charter Change Agenda', forum organized by the Finnish-Philippine Society, Maunula House, Helsinki, Finland, 26 April 2018.
- 'The Philippines Under Duterte: A Process of Authoritarian Populism with Liberal-Democratic Roots', seminar organized by Asianettverket, the Norwegian Network for Asian Studies, Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo, Norway, 7 February 2018.
- 'The Duterte Phenomenon and the Contradictions of an Emergent Authoritarian Populism in the Philippines', ie.talks - Public Lecture Series of the Department of Development Studies, University of Vienna, Austria, 29 November 2017.
- 'The New Private Turn in Nordic Development Cooperation: A Question of Ethics or Opportunities?', seminar on 'Private sector driven development: Views from Academia and Activists' organized by the Finnish Society for Development Research, Helsinki, 7 June 2017.
- 'The Philippines: A Year After the Duterte Phenomenon', open seminar co-organized by the Forum on Asian Studies – Department of Political Science, Stockholm University; ABF Stockholm – Arbetarnas Bildningsförbund; and Olof Palme International Center; Stockholm, Sweden, 8 May 2017.
- 'The Philippines' Populist Moment Under President Duterte', panel discussion on 'Global rise of populism in "the West" and the "rest"', organized by TAPRI - Tampere Peace Research Institute, in collaboration with the Finnish-Philippine Society, University of Tampere, Finland, 26 January 2017.
- 'The Duterte Effect: Prospects for Philippine Socio-Economic Development and the Filipinos in Diaspora', open forum and dialogue among Filipinos in Denmark, organized by ENFiD Denmark - European Network of Filipino in Diaspora, in cooperation with Babaylan - The Philippine Women’s Network, Denmark, and PCGD - Philippine Cultural Guild of Denmark, Copenhagen, 18 December 2016.
- 'The Migration-Underdevelopment Nexus: Unlearning from the Philippine Experience', conference on 'Migration and Development: Global Perspectives, Progressive Approaches' organized by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 1 December 2016.
- 'Duterte-style Populism: The Philippines in the Geopolitical Economy of Southeast Asia', organized by NIAS - the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, ADI - Asian Dynamics Initiative, and SEASS - Southeast Asia Signature Series, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 22 November 2016.
- 'Inequality, Uneven Development, Wars and Conflicts: Understanding the Rudiments of the Global Migration and Refugee Crisis', Workshop on 'Strategic Perspectives on Migrants and Refugees' organized by Stiftung Asienhaus - Germany during the 11th Asia-Europe People's Forum, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, 5 July 2016.
- 'Rethinking the Migration-Development Nexus: The Philippine Experience on the Export of its Labour and Citizens', Expert Roundtable Meeting on Migration-Development Nexus: Ambivalent Effects, Difficult Management and Undervalued Potentials, organized by the Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 27 June 2016.
- 'Post-Election Analysis: The Philippines in 2016 and Beyond', Vaaliarviotilaisuus: Filippiineillä dramaattiset vaalit - mikä mutttuu?, organized by Filippiinit-seura ry (the Finnish-Philippine Society), at the Cultural Centre Caisa, Helsinki, Finland, 24 May 2016.
- 'The ASEAN Economic Community and A Regionalism of the Commons Alternative to Natural Resource Management', co-organized by the School for Wellbeing Studies and Research, ASEAN Studies Centre, and the Faculty of Economics of Chulalongkorn University, and the Heinrich Boell Stiftung - Southeast Asia Regional Office, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 23 February 2016.
- 'A Commons Perspective on Human-Nature Relations', the First Sombath Symposium on 'Traditional, Cultural and Alternative Perspectives on Humanity's Relationship with Nature', co-organized by Focus on the Global South and The Sombath Initiative, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 16 February 2016.
- '2016 as a new beginning? ASEAN and the AEC', Inaugural Lecture for the Understanding Southeast Asia Lecture Series, Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 29 October 2015.
- 'Food brands, better mood - On responsible food production', Maailma Kylässä (World Village Festival), organised by Finnwatch, the TTIP-info network, and AEPF, Railway Square (Mekong Stage), Helsinki, Finland, 24 May 2015.
- 'What kind of development do free trade agreements pursue?', Maailma Kylässä (World Village Festival), organised by the TTIP-info network and AEPF, Railway Square (Mekong Stage), Helsinki, Finland, 24 May 2015.
- 'Trade, Finance, and Production in North-South Unequal Relations', Social Forum of Finland 2015 (Suomen Sosiaalifoorumi), Session on 'Free trade agreements and developing labour standards - the road out of the frying pan into the fire', organised by AEPF Finland, Attac Finland, Crash ry (Coalition for Research and Action for Social Justice and Human Dignity), TTIP-network Finland, Eetti ry (Pro Ethical Trade Finland), at Arbis Swedish Adult Education Centre, Helsinki, Finland, 25 April 2015.
- 'Free Trade and Investment Agreements: For Whom?', International Seminar: Shackles of Liberty? Free Trade Agreements & Food and Health, organised by the Finnish AEPF Network, the TTIP Network Finland, and Attac Parliament, at The Little Parliament's Visitors' Centre, Helsinki, Finland, 8 October 2014.
- 'Free Trade Agreements and Underdevelopments: Formalizing Capitalist Relations, Informalizing Labor Conditions', International Seminar: Shackles of Liberty? Free Trade Agreements and the Future of Work, organised by the Finnish AEPF Network, the TTIP Network Finland, and Attac Parliament, at The Little Parliament's Visitors' Centre, Helsinki, Finland, 25 September 2014.
- 'A Good Life Against Global Competitiveness', Maailma Kylässä (World Village Festival), organised by the AEPF, Siemenpuu Foundation, and Kepa, Kaisaniemi Park (Taiga Stage), Helsinki, Finland, 25 May 2014.
- 'The Political Economy of Natural Resource Governance', Seminar: Perspectives on Climate Change, Natural Resources and Social Justice: Connecting the Local to the Global, organised by Kepa and the Department of Political and Economic Studies of the University of Helsinki, Economicum, Helsinki, Finland, 23 May 2014.
Press Clippings and Media Interviews (Recent)
- 'Filippinerna hotas av auktoritär nostalgi', Arbetarbladet / Demokraatti, 29-11-2021.
- 'Duterte vill sitta kvar vid makten', Ny Tid, 12-10-2021.
- 'Cái nhìn mới mẻ của EU về Ấn Độ Dương-Thái Bình Dương', Báo Thế giới & Việt Nam (The World & Vietnam Report), 27-11-2020. [Also featured in Báo Mới.]
- 'The outlines of a European policy on the Indo-Pacific', The Interpreter (by the Lowy Institute, Australia), 26-11-2020.
- 'It's time to end to end the gentleman's agreement -- An open letter to the IMF', openDemocracy, 20-08-2019.
- 'Financial services promoted to the poor despite their failure to address the causes of poverty', Kepa - Uutiset & Media (in Kehitystutkimus News), 28-11-2018.
- 'Köyhät halutaan rahoituspalvelujen piiriin – köyhyyden syitä ne eivät kuitenkaan poista', Kepa - Uutiset & Media, 03-10-2018.
- 'AEPF-12: Day 1', press statement, 12th Asia-Europe People's Forum, Ghent, Belgium, 29-09-2018.
- 'Borgmestre likvideret på stribe: Nu mistaenkes praesidenten', Ekstra Bladet, 06-09-2018.
- 'Professors, scholars launch signature campaign vs constituent assembly', Rappler, 13-07-2018.
- 'Helgardering', Weekendavisen, 16-06-2017.
- 'Afstraffen i åben krig med islamister - men befolkningen er nervøs', Ekstra Bladet, 30-05-2017.
- 'Filipinas: Duterte instaura la ley marcial por enfrentamientos', RFI Español - Las Voces Del Mundo, 29-05-2017.
- 'Duterte's martial law "not the way to address Islamist radicalisation and insurgency"', RFI - Radio France Internationale, 24-05-2017.
- 'Filippinerna: Ett år med Duterte som president', Amnesty Press, 20-05-2017.
- 'God relation till Trump - men ännu närmare Kina', Amnesty Press, 20-05-2017.
- ‘Middelklassens skraekindjagende brutalitet', Information (Abonnement), 18-04-2017.
- ‘Duterte yhä suosittu kotimaassaan’, Ulkomaan Uutiset, Forssan Lehti, 02-11-2016.
- ‘“Idän Donald Trumpilla” kova kansansuosio’, Ulkomaat, Satakunnan Kansa, 02-11-2016.
- ‘Kuolemanpartiot eivät vähentäneet kovaa rikollisuutta’, Kansan Uutiset, online, 28-09-2016
- ‘Huumesotaa ei voiteta Tappamalla’, Kansan Uutiset, online, 04-09-2016.
- ‘Filippiinien Presidentti ei ole Trump eikä Soini’, Kansan Uutiset, online, 04-09-2016.
- ‘Duterte ei voita huumesotaansa tappamalla’, Kansan Uutiset, Political Weekly Magazine, 02-09-2016.
- ‘Duterte ei ole Trump eikä Soini’, in Kansan Uutiset, Political Weekly Magazine, 02-09-2016.
- ‘Filippinernes stærke mand’, Information (Abonnement), 26-07-2016.
- ‘#Du30Cabinet Watch: Netizens suggest Mahar Lagmay for DOST’, Rappler, 27-05-2016.
- ‘Ekspert: Derfor er “Afstrafferen” blevet valgt til præsident’, Ekstra Bladet, 17-05-2016.
- ‘Jokede med voldtægt og truede med drab: Nu bliver “afstrafferen” præsident’, Ekstra Bladet, 10-05-2016.
- ‘Afstrafferen på vej mod magten’, Information, 09-05-2016.
- 'Transatlanttinen kauppasopimus - yrityksille vai kansalle', Uutinen - Maailma Kylässa, 24-05-2015.
- [Past media coverage, see VBN research portal of Aalborg University.]
Publications and Papers (Selected)
- [See also the research portals - Converis, TUTKA, VBN, ResearchGate, Google Scholar, Academia]
- [For other writings and blog posts, see A Good Game]
- Juego, Bonn (forthcoming 2022) "The Duterte Phenomenon as Authoritarian Populism in the Philippines," in DB Subedi, Alan Scott, Howard Brasted, and Tony Lynch (eds) Routledge Handbook of Populism in the Asia Pacific, London: Routledge.
- Juego, Bonn (2021) "Justice in the Sustainability Curriculum" contribution to GTI Forum "Educating for the Future We Want," Great Transition Initiative (May).
- Juego, Bonn (2021) "Chapter 19 - Rethinking Samir Amin’s legacy and the case for a political organization of the global justice movement," in Barry K. Gills and Christopher Chase-Dunn (eds) Unity on the Global Left: Critical Reflections on Samir Amin's Call for a New International, London: Routledge.
- Juego, Bonn (2020) "IPE Scholarship About Southeast Asia: Theories of Development and State-Market-Society Relations," in Ernesto Vivares (Ed.) The Routledge Handbook to Global Political Economy. Oxon and New York: Routledge, pp. 488-510.
- Juego, Bonn (2020) "Politics and Sports Capitalism in the Southeast Asian Games," in Perpectives Asia: Two Sides of the Medals - Sports and Politics in Asia, Hong Kong: Heinrich-Boell-Stiftung Asia Limited, pp. 30-34.
- Juego, Bonn (2020) "Addressing the Pandemic in the Philippines Necessitates a New Economic Paradigm," in Developing Economics (A Critical Perspective on Development Economics), 13 June.
- Juego, Bonn (2020) "Coordinate Globally, Serve Locally" [Movements for the Moment, the Present and the Everyday], forum contribution (Planetize the Movement!), Great Transition Initiative (April).
- Juego, Bonn (2020) "The Politicisation of the SEA Games: Sporting Nationalism, Patronage and Capitalism Since the 1950s," Bangkok: Heinrich Böll Stiftung - Southeast Asia, 1 September. [Also republished as "Sports Politics and Sports Capitalism in the SEA Games," in Go Sports - Malaysia, 26.01.2021.]
- Juego, Bonn (in progress, due September 2020) "The Duterte Phenomenon: A Crisis of Liberal Democracy and an Emergent Authoritarian Populism in the Philippines", for the Handbook of Populisms in the Asia Pacific.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "Rethinking Samir Amin's Legacy and the Case for a Political Organization of the Global Justice Movement," Journal of World-Systems Research, Vol. 25, No. 2, pp. 336-344.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "Rethinking Samir Amin's Legacy and the Case for a Political Organization of the Global Justice Movement," Globalizations, Vol. 16, No. 7, pp. 1109-1115, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2019.1654774 [co-published with Journal of World-Systems Research and Pambazuka News].
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "Menschenrechte, autoritärer Populismus und 'Asiatische Werte'," Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "Nationalismus, der die Würde verletzt, gehört verurteilt," Interview von Ella Soesanto und Fabian Heppe, 18 Januar, Berlin: Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "Twelve Dimensions of an Asian Type of Populism: The Case of Duterte's Authoritarian Populism in the Philippines," Paper presented to the Symposium on Populism, IASR - Institute for Advanced Social Research, Tampere University, Finland, 5 December 2019.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) “Autocratization and Democratization in Southeast Asia: Diverging Populist Moments Between the Philippines and Malaysia,” Paper presented to the NYCAS - New York Conference on Asian Studies, a Regional Conference of the Association of Asian Studies, State University of New York – SUNY New Paltz, New York, USA, 4–5 October.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "The Contradictions of Duterte's Authoritarian Populism: Autocratization Through Democratic Deficits in the Philippines," Paper presented to the 10th EuroSEAS Conference, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 12 September.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "The Precarity Under Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Socio-Economics Against It," Paper presented to the AFEP-IIPPE International Conference on "Envisioning the Economy of the Future and the Future of Political Economy," Sciences Po Lille, France, 3-5 July.
- Juego, Bonn (2019) "The Shift in Financing Nordic-Asia Development Cooperation: From Aid Relations to Private Sector Entrepreneurship," Paper presented to the 5th Nordic Development Research Conference on "Knowledge Production in North-South Collaboration: Challenges in an Era of New Global Divides," Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, 27-28 June.
- Juego, Bonn (2018) "Human Rights Against Populism: A Progressive Response to the Politics of Duterte and Mahathir," Special Series on the 70th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 28 December, Bangkok: Heinrich Böll Stiftung - Southeast Asia.
- Juego, Bonn (2018) "Nationalism that violates the dignity of human beings deserves condemnation," An interview with Bonn Juego by Ella Soesanto and Fabian Heppe, in Perspectives Asia: Nationalisms and Populisms in Asia, Issue 7, November, Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, pp. pp. 4-8.
- Juego, Bonn (2018) "Authoritarian Neoliberalism: Its Ideological Antecedents and Policy Manifestations from Carl Schmitt's Political Economy of Governance," in Administrative Culture, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 105-136.
- Juego, Bonn (2018) "The Institutions of Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Malaysia: A Critical Review of the Development Agendas Under the Regimes of Mahathir, Abdullah, and Najib," in Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 53-79.
- Juego, Bonn (2018) "The Philippines 2017: Duterte-led Authoritarian Populism and Its Liberal-Democratic Roots," in Asia Maior 2017, Vol. XXVIII, pp. 129-164.
- Juego, Bonn (2018) "The New Private Turn in Nordic Development Policy for Asian Varieties of Capitalism," Paper presented to the 9th Annual Conference of the International Initiative for Promoting Political Economy on "The State of Capitalism and the State of Political Economy," Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Pula, Croatia, 12-14 September.
- Juego, Bonn (2017) "Nordic Private Sector Development Strategies with Asian Varieties of Capitalism," Paper presented to the 3rd The Role of State in Varieties of Capitalism on "New Global Challenges of European Regulation, Institutions and Policies," Central European University, Budapest, Hungary, 30 November - 1 December 2017.
- Juego, Bonn (2017) "Authoritarian Neoliberalism and the Conditions of Precarity: Rethinking Strategies for Socio-Economic Development and Labour Union Solidarity," Paper presented to the 12th Global Labour University Conference on "Reincarnation or Death of Neoliberalism? The Rise of Market Authoritarianism and Its Challenges for Labour," Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India, 4-6 October.
- Juego, Bonn (2017) "Demystifying Duterte's Populism in the Philippines," IAPS Dialogue, Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies, University of Nottingham, UK, 22 February.
- Juego, Bonn (2017) "Authoritarian Neoliberalism: A Conceptual Sketch from Its Ideological Antecedents and the Political Economy of Carl Schmitt," Paper presented to the 2017 Development Days Conference on Authoritarianism and Development, Finnish Society for Development Research, Helsinki, 16-17 February 2017.
- Juego, Bonn (2016) "A Commons Perspective on Human-Nature Relations: Analysis, Visions, Strategies for Alternative Futures," in Humanity and Nature: Traditional, Cultural & Alternative Perspectives, Bangkok: Focus on the Global South, The Sombath Initiative, and Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung Southeast Asia, pp. 62-67.
- Juego, Bonn (2016) "A Third World's Geopolitical Policy Choices: The Philippines In-between the US and China Rivalry for Regional Hegemony," Paper presented to the Second Asia Pacific Conference on Security & International Relations (APSec 2016) and the 10th Congress of the Asian Political and International Studies Association (APISA 10) on "Fearful Futures - Peace & Security in Asia," Osaka University, Nakanoshima Center, Osaka, Japan, 8-9 December.
- Juego, Bonn (2016) "The Private Turn in Nordic-Asia Development Cooperation," guest article at the Poverty and Development Research Center's Blog, Department of History and Ethnology, University of Jyväskylä, Finland.
- Juego, Bonn (2016) "Nordic Private Sector Development Cooperation with Asian Varieties of Capitalism: A Research Agenda on Contemporary Nordic-Asia Relations," Paper presented to the 9th Nordic NIAS Council Conference on Nordic Asian Studies in the 21st Century - Stocktaking for the Future, Asia House, Copenhagen, 7-9 November.
- Juego, Bonn (2016) "A Commons Perspective on Human-Nature Relations: Analysis, Visions, and Strategies for Alternative Futures," in Ecology & Social Justice, Bangkok: Heinrich Böll Stiftung - Southeast Asia.
- Juego, Bonn (2016) "On the Second Presidential Debate: Discourses and the Appeal to Voters," in UP sa Halalan 2016, University of the Philippines. [also available as blog post at the Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies, University of Nottingham, UK]
- Juego, Bonn (2015) "The Political Economy of the ASEAN Regionalisation Process," in Dossier: Understanding Southeast Asia, Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung. [also translated into German: "Die politische Ökonomie des ASEAN-Regionalisierungsprozesses"]
- Juego, Bonn (2015) "Southeast Asia: Regionalism of the Commons," in Dossier: Understanding Southeast Asia, Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung. [also translated into German: "Südostasien: Regionalismus der Gemeinschaftsgüter"]
- Juego, Bonn (2015) "Elite Capture and Elite Conflicts in Southeast Asian Neoliberalization Processes," in South-South Tricontinental Collaborative Programme (eds) Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond, New Delhi: IDEAs - International Development Economics Associates, CLACSO - Latin American Council of Social Sciences, and CODESRIA - Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, pp. 68-93.
- Juego, Bonn (2015) "Political Economy Analysis and Elite Interests in Asian Capitalisms," Paper to be presented to the Geopolitical Economy Research Group Conference on 'From the Thirty Years’ Crisis to Multipolarity: the Geopolitical Economy of the 21st Century World', University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada, 25-27 September.
- Juego, Bonn (2014) "The Political Economy of Development in Southeast Asia: A Research Agenda on the Specificities of Capitalist Diversity", Paper presented at the Seventh South-South Institute on "Inequality, Democracy and Development under Neoliberalism and Beyond, organized by The Latin American Council of Social Sciences (CLACSO), the Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), and the International Development Economics Associates (IDEAs), Bangkok, Thailand, 3-8 November 2014.
- Juego, Bonn (2014) "Elite Interests and Neoliberal Reforms in Southeast Asian Capitalisms", Paper presented at the 6th Annual International Conference on 'Intra-Asian Connections: Interactions, flows, landscapes', Asian Dynamics Initiative, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 22-24 October.
- Juego, Bonn (2014) “The ASEAN Economic Community Project: Accumulating Capital, Dispossessing the Commons”, in Perspectives Asia 2/13: More or Less? Growth and Development Debates in Asia, Berlin: Heinrich Böll Stiftung, pp. 12-19. [also translated into German: ‘Die “ASEAN-Wirtschaftsgemeinschaft” – Akkumulation von Kapital, Enteignung von Gemeinschaftsgütern’, in Perspectives Asien 2/13: Mehr oder weniger? Wachstums- und Entwicklungsdebatten in Asien, pp. 12-19.]
- Juego, Bonn (2013) “Taxman vs Pacquiao hits need for Philippines reform”, in Asia Times Online, Business in Asia Today, Speaking Freely – Southeast Asia, 23 December.
- Juego, Bonn (2013) Capitalist Development in Contemporary Southeast Asia: Neoliberal Reproduction, Elite Interests, and Authoritarian Liberalism in the Philippines and Malaysia, PhD Thesis Monograph, Denmark: Aalborg University, 360 pp.
- Juego, Bonn (2012) “The Reproduction of Neoliberalism and the Global Capitalist Crisis”, in The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies, Vol. 8, No.1, pp. 23-40.
- Juego, Bonn (2011) “A Dialectical Framework and Critical Approach to the Political Economy of Southeast Asia: Neoliberalization Processes, Elite Interests, and Emerging Social Forms”, Paper presented at the Nordic & International PhD Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, 24 November.
- Juego, Bonn (2011) “Whither Regulationism: Reflections on the [French] Regulation Approach”, in The Interdisciplinary Journal of International Studies, Vol. 7, No. 1, pp. 55-66.
- Juego, Bonn and Johannes Dragsbæk Schmidt (2010) “Die globale Krise und der Angriff auf die Demokratie”, in Perpektiven: Magazin für linke Theorie und Praxis, Herbst, Nr. 12, pp. 14-21.
- Juego, Bonn (2010) “Migration in Asia-Europe Relations”, in Migrant Voice, at
- Juego, Bonn and Johannes Dragsbæk Schmidt (2010) “The Global Crisis and the Assault on Democracy”, Paper presented at the Conference After the Gold Rush: Economic Crisis and Consequences, University of Iceland, Reykjavik, 28 May.
- Juego, Bonn and Johannes Dragsbæk Schmidt (2009) “Unpacking the Global Crisis: Neo-liberalism, Financial Crises, and Authoritarian Liberalism”, Paper presented at the Sixth Historical Materialism Conference — “Another World is Necessary: Crisis, Struggle and Political Alternatives”, University of London, United Kingdom, 28 November.
- Juego, Bonn (2009) “Innovating ‘Innovation’, Competing ‘Competitiveness’: A Critical Political Economy Approach to Social Innovation System”, Global Development Studies Research Series, Working Paper No. 1, ISSN: 1902-8733, Aalborg University, Denmark.
- Juego, Bonn and Johannes Dragsbæk Schmidt (2009) “The Political Economy of the Global Crisis: Neo-liberalism, Financial Crises, and Emergent Authoritarian Liberalism in Asia”, Paper presented at the Fourth APISA Congress (Asian Political and International Studies Association), Makati City, Philippines, 12 November.
- Juego, Bonn (2009) “The Global Crisis, the Political Economy of State Restructuring, and the Campaign for Transformative Social Protection”, Paper presented at the Asia-Europe People’s Forum (AEPF) Conference on Building Southeast Asia Peoples’ Agenda on Transformative Social Protection as a Democratic and Human Rights Response to the Crisis, Makati City, Philippines, 12 October.
- Juego, Bonn (2008) “Securitization against Democratization: War on Terrorism, Authoritarian Liberalism, and Neo-Liberalism in Post-9/11 Southeast Asia”, in Kathrin Brockmann, Hans Bastian Hauck and Stuart Reigeluth (eds) From Conflict to Regional Stability: Linking Security and Development, Berlin: Deutsche Gesselschaft für Auswärtige Politik, pp. 71-81.
- Juego, Bonn (2008) “Constitutionalizing ‘Authoritarian Liberalism’ in the Philippines: A Critique of the Political Economy of Charter Change”, Global Development Studies Research Series, Working Paper No. 1, ISSN: 1902-8733, Aalborg University, Denmark.
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