26 September 2013

Foucault and the Warning Against the Fascism in Us

I'm not sure, but I find it hard to read Michel Foucault. I have been more entertained reading essays about him and his work. Foucault loathed the 'love for power', but he was obsessed with the 'love for boys'!

Though I'm not so much a fan of Foucault, I must admit that as a socio-political student and a social media user, a particular note from Foucault has always kept me on my toes, constantly reminding me to be beware of the innate fascism in us. Here, I share, my favourite problematique, reminder, warning, and challenge from Foucault:

[T]he major enemy, the strategic adversary is fascism .... And not only historical fascism, the fascism of Hitler and Mussolini — which was able to mobilize and use the desire of the masses so effectively — but also the fascism in us all, in our heads and in our everyday behavior, the fascism that causes us to love power, to desire the very thing that dominates and exploits us.... 
How does one keep from being fascist, even (especially) when one believes oneself to be a revolutionary militant? How do we rid our speech and our acts, our hearts and our pleasures, of fascism? How do we ferret out the fascism that is ingrained in our behavior? 
... [T]he tracking down of all varieties of fascism, from the enormous ones that surround and crush us to the petty ones that constitute the tyrannical bitterness of our everday lives.

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