18 June 2013

PhD Mission Accomplished! (Final Recommendation)

I just got confirmation that the Academic Council has approved the final recommendation of my assessment committee to grant me a PhD degree. Happy that it's now official! In a fortnight, I will be receiving the diploma - signed, sealed, delivered! 

Below is a copy of the committee's final recommendation (again, I covered the committee's signatures with a barcode). It basically restates the preliminary assessment, plus an evaluation of my PhD defence and public lecture. I cherish these last words in the final evaluation:
The assessment committee recognizes the dissertation as an impressive contribution to the understanding of the contemporary global neoliberalization process as it unfolds in the context of Southeast Asia (specifically the Philippines and Malaysia). The level of ambition is high with regard to the treatment of the subject matter. 
... [T]he end product shows a strong ability of theorizing and conceptualizing both the explanation of global neoliberalism and its implementation and institutionalization at the societal level in the two cases. The empirical evidence is well chosen to illustrate the conflicts within the elites for the gains of the imposition of authoritarian neoliberalism although the committee feels a certain discomfort.  
The committee is unanimous in its recognition of the academic capability of Bonn Juego as demonstrated by the written dissertation. The committee is also satisfied with BJ's public lecture on the topic: "Can a democratic state form coexist with a non-democratic economic essence of capital accumulation and increasing polarization in the division of the economic surplus?" 
In the oral session BJ has competently answered questions raised by the committee members. It is the opinion that the dissertation is a heuristic contribution to the theme of capitalist development and contemporary Southeast Asia. 
For further developments of the dissertation in book form or article the assessment committee encourages Bonn Juego to reflect on the broader social context of class relations and the social dimensions of authoritarian liberalism. 
The assessment committee recommends highly recommends that the PhD degree be awarded to Bonn Juego.

Years of the reading-researching-thinking-writing processes that come with a doctoral study in the social sciences entail a mixture of emotions. Now, I can say out loud that I am so proud of my work! 

PhD mission accomplished!

* * *

Update: Today, 19 June, the granting of a PhD degree to me has been reported and published in Nordjyske, a newspaper in the northern region of Denmark. Ironically, the report about me was printed in the same fold in the paper with the French right-wing leader, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who would not, to say the least, welcome me in Europe! My PhD mission is accomplished, but the struggle for recognition continues!

12 June 2013

PhD Defense Presentation

And my years of PhD study experience came to a conclusion last week! Here I am sharing a copy of my defense's presentation notes — which I delivered for just about the maximum allotted time of 45 minutes. 

In photo: Morten Lassen, Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt, Amlet Cruz, Bonn Juego, Jacques Hersh, Jane Parpart, Barry K. Gills.
I am so thankful to my assessment committee composed of Professors Jane Parpart, Barry K. Gills, and Jacques Hersh for the very thoughtful evaluation, engaging examination, and kind recommendation. Professor Jane Parpart told me during the reception: "Sorry, Bonn, that we seemed to be tougher on you than the usual because we think you can take it." Professors Jacques Hersh and Barry Gills told me that they, too, enjoyed the defense. I must say that I also enjoyed the defense — even though I became emotional, broke down in tears at the last turn of the defense and during the awarding of the degree! I apologized to Professor Jacques Hersh for shedding tears at the beginning of his speech when he mentioned some of my experiences in the programme over the last few years and my character as a PhD candidate; but he said to me in a very comforting tone: "It's alright.... It only shows that you're human...".

Thank you also to Aalborg University's Department of Political Science for hosting the occasion, especially for the time and hospitality of Professors Morten Lassen and Anette Borchorst, as well as my supervisor Johannes Dragsbaek Schmidt. Despite having no sleep at all for the morning's three-hour thesis defense, the committee as well as my friends and colleagues in attendance had kept me on my toes and my adrenaline going. 

I know that more important than earning this PhD degree is to lead a good life. Thus, a good game continues! 

11 June 2013

Recognizing Scandinavia's Best Practices

Comment on BBC News feature on:

Scandinavia is still the region with the most humane society we have in modern times. (Except, arguably, in the area of immigration policy.) There are so much good, better, and best practices that the world can look up to Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Iceland; but why are many countries in the world so obsessed with the US-style of organizing life and society???

Source: BBC News Magazine
On a personal note, I understand why it's so difficult to leave the comforts of Scandinavia. But sometimes, we have to miss this comfort zone so as we don't miss other wonderful opportunities that this world also offers.